Thursday, November 12, 2015


Today I started thinking about how we live such digital lives we don't even think about it anymore (says the woman blogging). 

Of course we did this to ourselves.  As our children grew we videotaped every milestone and this morphed into My Space, Facebook and You Tube.  Every milestone from proposals to births is out there - somewhere - for someone to see. 

Often the intent is to share times and life moments with family and friends.   If funny then perhaps you hit You Tube gold or a blogging job comes your way.  Most often it is to share with those you care about. 

We share because we want to feel a part of something bigger; the whole.  The great mass of humanity or the vastness of the Universe is why we post and share our collective human condition.

Sadly there are times when there is someone uses our words or posts to their advantage in their attempt to hurt others.  They troll our online presence and look for something posted or cached with the intent to  be used against someone else.  It is an inference of immorality with no regard for that person's feelings.

This has happened to me.  A person estranged from our family is engrossed in a legal battle with a relative.  They used my posted words to infer a situation that doesn't exist rather than require the individual involved to do the right thing.  The worst part is their actions have the the potential to hurt. Many people.  Innocents. It is a losing game.

So I am trying to think about what would make someone so lose their compassion and humanity.  I cannot understand allowing that to happen. 

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