Sunday, January 15, 2012

can't follow directions I wrotejust yesterday that my rib situation was a sign that I needed to take it easy, mend and take a break from the Xbox; perhaps write a little.  I think that directive lasted about an hour.   I fired up the system and was working my 3rd - yellow - chakra for about an hour.  For a while it felt like it was good for my rib because my neck got sore - like it was before the hubby muckled me and bruised the rib (or whatever it is that happened) - and the rib wasn't as sore.  I thought - aha! - it is good for me to move.  I should keep working on this.

It rolled around to game time and I turned off the Xbox after playing for an hour or so.  Sat on the couch and proceeded to watch the NFL Playoffs.   As the Saints fell to the 49er's; my rib began to get more sore and you can kind of see where it's out of whack so to speak.  It's like a bruised area under my left boob.  Hurts to move in certain positions.  It's a damned nuisance!  As I sat and watched the game it got stiff and when I would move forward it would kind of clack - like there's some sort of movement.  I realized then that the best thing to do would be to take it easy.  We'd gone out Friday night to see War Horse so I decided we'd stay home.  The Patriots game was on anyway......

We ordered pizza, watched the Patriots red-ass spank the Bronchos and I took it easy.  Today we did church and then I beached on the couch to watch Baltimore beat Houston to advance against the Patriots (good luck with that) and am watching the Giants at Green Bay.  The game is closer than I thought it would be.

However, getting on and off the couch is a challenge.  I have the laptop fired up here and I intend to stay here tonight.  Thank goodness for a 3-day weekend and I can take it easy until I need to go to the casino for the cookware for the daughter and then take my folks to the doctor.  We'll see how things look on Tuesday as to whether I go to the doctor or  not.  I am hoping that staying still will do the trick.

But I really - REALLY - want to play the video game.  I  am also very disappointed in myself that I didn't follow my own advice and stay away from it until the rib is better.  What is it that makes us do the things we know we shouldn't?  Drive too fast, wear shoes that hurt and push ourselves even when we are's an illness.  It's a silly personal competitiveness that doesn't make any sense at all.  The whole concept of the game - Leela - is to look within and go with the flow.  I am not flowing too well here.

In addition - isn't it time to act my age?  Realize that as a middle-aged woman I need to stop and see the signs the Universe is throwing my way?  Sore/bruised rib = take it easy!  At my age I really should know better.

Now....back to football.

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