Saturday, January 11, 2014

A New Year - maybe some posts?

Wow - the last time I posted was May 2012?  Good Maude - where does the year go?

 Decided that this year I would really work on the ol' blog.  Post it up big time; give the few meager readers I got a major thrill.  It all sounded like a good idea but was in NO WAY a resolution because I don't do those - dammit.

So I pull up the blog here and realize that in 2013 I posted nothing.  Nada.  Bupkiss.  Zip. 
I also realize that the few meager followers I had were probably gone too.  Rebrand my ass; rebrand as a dang slacker.  I felt something I had not felt - blogger shame.  I had experience blogger remorse, blogger backlash and even blogger fail but never shame.  That kind of made me feel more ashamed.  However, I realized that was only making it worse so I had to IGNORE MYSELF and just accept my dereliction of blogging and move on.

So that's what I am doing.

I am not even going to give you a "year in review".  That would be just cruel.  To everyone.

Suffice to say that 2013 was a transformative year.  If references are made this year to things that happened last year I will try to give a "back story" to keep you few meager readers in the know.  Otherwise I am starting from scratch with this year.  Keeping it current, keeping it real.

To say that I am disappointed that the Central Farmer's Market has not contacted me to do some yoga classes at the Saturday markets would be an understatement.  I took those classes and am almost half way to yoga teacher certification and by golly I would really like to teach some classes.  I would also like to earn my tuition back and hopefully get a leg up on what I hope is my 2nd career after retirement from the State.  They seemed so anxious for me to start before the holidays.  I didn't because I was still finishing up my teacher training and also finishing up my Christmas shopping.  I put them off until the "new year".  Probably a foolish move.  They are no longer interested in Hatha With Heather.  Bummer.

I will keep practicing and training.  I am motivated and feeling physically better since doing yoga.  Mentally and emotionally I think it helps too.  I hasn't solved all my problems - but close. 

The hubby and I are still adapting to the empty nest syndrome and it gets easier every day.  We took lots of weekend trips last year.  Some successful, some not.  Our big vacation to New England for my father's funeral was terrific which is weird to say but it was. The trip was bittersweet. A hard reason to go back but it brought back great memories and a feeling of going back to my roots. The kids went and there was even a proposal!  So we've got the daughter's wedding to look forward to this year.   Like I said - the year was transformative.  

So this year will hopefully bring more posts.  I downloaded the mobile app and that should help. 
Just be patient with me.

I am still transforming.

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